詹姆斯敦/斯图斯曼发展公司 is prepared to assist you with any of the following approaches to Economic Development:
- 选址
- 行业 & 劳动数据
- 地方、州 & 联邦资源
- 人口统计资料
- 各种激励计划
- JSDC年度计划1988-2020
詹姆斯敦/斯图斯曼发展公司 has the ability to structure unique incentive packages providing the best advantage for your business.
美国商务部分析了新的自动化税收抵免. 这不仅仅适用于机器人... 了解更多
该委员会促进开发新的和扩大北达科他州农产品的用途. APUC为研究提供资助, 农业和增值项目的可行性研究和营销. 了解更多
它位于北达科他州的俾斯麦,是全国唯一的国有银行. 它的使命, 1919年通过立法行动成立, 是鼓励和促进农业, 北达科他州的商业和工业. 在这一角色中,世行作为合作伙伴提供资金...
New or exp和ed businesses or enterprises may negotiate for up to five years full of partial exemption from local property taxes. 如果企业使用北达科他州种植的农产品,则可以申请第二个五年的豁免.
南中达科他州地区委员会目前有500美元,在这种低成本的融资方式中,我们可以获得1万美元. 和其他资金来源一样, 所创造的就业机会的数量将与可获得的资金数额有关. 了解更多
的 mission of 达科他商业贷款 is all about cultivating the success of businesses in North Dakota 和 western Minnesota. We do this by providing exceptional financing solutions in a supportive 和 creative environment delivered by dedicated, 经验丰富的贷款人员,努力发展经济...
An EB-5 Regional Center is a job creation visa program (created by Congress in 1990) that is ad最小值istered by U.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS). EB-5区域中心的目的是刺激经济发展, 通过直接投资创造就业机会,提高区域生产力...
的 City of 詹姆斯敦 和 Stutsman County have a combined 经济发展基金 which is a multimillion-dollar economic development program available to assist with exp和ing or relocating business. 作为金融套餐的一部分, 詹姆斯敦Stutsman开发公司(JSDC)提供直接贷款, 股权投资, 和...
This program is designed to assist in the financing of affordable multi-family housing units for individuals in areas of North Dakota affected by oil 和 gas development. 了解更多
的 Flex PACE利息购买贷款 allows communities the ability to provide assistance to businesses that do not meet the primary sector definition of PACE. 除了这个程序, 为儿童保育设施和经济适用房项目开发了特定的Flex PACE选项...
的 JSDC will provide up to 20% of the required 25% cost share for the city to bond for infrastructure for the development of residential lots within the 詹姆斯敦 City limits. Terms:No principal or interest payments 和 non-interest bearing for 5 years (deferment period)To be repaid...
Program Guidelines:New childcare startups 和 existing remodels that directly increase capacity are eligible for a 1:1 match not to exceed $10,配对基金.符合条件的项目:固定装置、家具、设备、建筑相关的扩建费用. 需要在项目开始日期前获得批准.所有收据必须在报销前提交.的...
的 詹姆斯敦/斯图斯曼发展公司 Internship Reimbursement Program is designed to increase the number of local internships 和 assist our employers in workforce recruitment 和 retention. 该计划最多将捐款3美元,500美元用于补偿雇用大学/学院学生的雇主,以协助支付工资费用...
No sales 和 use taxes on machinery 和 equipment, utilities; reduced sales tax on natural gas. 电话线路通信不征收州际销售税.
的 purpose of the Red River Corridor Fund (RRCF) is to create jobs by helping small businesses across North Dakota access capital. RRCF是由美国资助的.S. 作为国家小企业信贷倡议(SSBCI)计划的一部分,财政部通过...
由国家资助和管理的, this fund provides "gap financing" through loans 和 股权投资 not available from most conventional lenders 和 is available to any primary-sector business with the exception of production agriculture. 发展基金还管理区域农村循环贷款...
Provides incentives to businesses that are creating new employment opportunities through business expansion 和 relocation to the state. 这个项目 provides primary sector business with no-cost funding to help offset the cost of training new employees. 北达科他州新工作培训计划提供...
拥有自己的房子,在社区扎根是美国梦的重要组成部分. 的 North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) is pleased to be able to help new 和 returning North Dakotans achieve their American Dream through our North...
在经济和商业发展方面, 多一个资源也无妨, click on the link to find out more information about a program that is offered exclusively by Northern Plains Electric Cooperative to bolster commerce in its service area (which extends from south...
Most of the state's economic development tools 和 incentives are targeted toward primary sector businesses. 事实上, legislation for several of these incentives specifies that a business must be 'certified' as a primary sector business by the director of the Economic Development & 财务部门...
北达科他州世纪法典.D.C.C.) § 57-02-08(35) provides a discretionary exemption for certain new single family residential properties 和 condo最小值ium 和 townhouse properties from property taxes for the first two taxable years after the taxable year in which construction is completed, 该住宅为私有...
对固定资产发放固定利率的长期贷款. 资助限额(小企业管理局贷款份额)为$5,000,000或项目成本的40%,以较低者为准. SBA股票的利率是美国国债加1%. SBA将采取第二次抵押贷款,并要求所有者权益为...
分数 "Counselors to America's Small 线上买球平台" is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs 和 the formation, 全国小企业的成长和成功. 分数是美国的资源合作伙伴.S. 小企业管理局(SBA). 分数总部位于弗吉尼亚州赫恩登和华盛顿特区...
的 Office of Small 线上买球平台 Development Centers (SBDC) provides management assistance to current 和 prospective small business owners. SBDCs offer one-stop assistance to individuals 和 small businesses by providing a wide variety of information 和 guidance in central 和 easily accessible branch locations. 这个项目...
R&D技术援助补助金, 循环贷款基金, 小企业管理局小额贷款计划以及社区发展贷款基金.
的 State Trade 和 Export Promotion (STEP) is a pilot trade 和 export initiative authorized by the federal Small 线上买球平台 Jobs Act of 2010. 北达科他州贸易办公室(NDTO)获得了671美元的STEP竞争性赠款,437来帮助增加朝鲜的国际出口...
的 工作 Opportunity Tax Credit is a federally funded program designed to encourage employers in the private sector to hire qualified job seekers (from nine target groups) who face barriers to gainful employment. 了解更多
A program to assist North Dakota businesses 和 industries in retraining 和 upgrading worker's skills to meet dem和s of new technologies 和 work methods. 劳动力的20/20 provides funding assistance to businesses to offset training costs for current workers 和 new employees when the business is...